We're uniting OEMs, Collision Repair Centers, Equipment Vendors, Paint Manufacturers, Industry Employees, and Training Providers to simplify your shop management. We're redefining the way the industry collaborates, and we're ticking all the boxes to make life easier for you, the body shop owner.
Collision Vision provides a game-changing platform, simplifying OEM Certification processing and management. The platform allows for Virtual Audits, scheduling employee training, and seamlessly connecting all stakeholders.
Ready for OEM certification management like never before? Take the leap, and experience a platform that brings all stakeholders together and makes life simple.
Individual employee profiles that house all training certifications, OE Certs, HR info, etc.
Manage your shop's certifications and all your applications in one user-friendly dashboard.
Eliminate most if not all OEM inspections of your facilityand equipment by utilizing the virtual audit capabilities.
Automatically keep track of training required for each technician. Receive notifications when new training becomes available. Get access to training calendars from OEs, Equipment Vendors, Paint Companies, and more.
You can pre-schedule all of your maintenance and calibrations to be completed in one day. Maintenance for paint booths, welders, frame benches, measurement systems, and air compressors can be scheduled a year in advance to eliminate multiple interruptions to workflow.
The AI-assisted scan on the mobile app allows you to take a photo of the equipment serial number plate. It then auto-populates the specs of each tool in your dashboard toolbox.
The Collision Vision dashboard provides you data on your OEM parts usage so you know where you stand at any given moment. Rebates are automatically sent to your checking account on a monthly basis.
Track MTD spend on inventory and equipment. Attach photo of serial number and copy of purchase receipt for each piece of equipment. Only have to enter one time, automatically maps photos to all OE certification applicant and renewal requirements.
Export equipment and assets to your CPA (SOMETHING). Insurance agent to (SOMETHING) proper coverage.
House All (SOMETHING) allows you to see how much is needed to reach next discount tier and how much your monthly rebate will be.
Access to program overview and requirements for each participating vendor/OE.